Transforming how people access healthcare around the world.
As the nation’s largest telehealth provider, Teladoc provides 24/7 access to affordable, high-quality medical care for adults and children experiencing non-emergency medical issues via phone, secure online video, mobile app or HealthSpot™ Station – a private, walk-in kiosk. Teladoc uses proprietary health signals and personalized interactions to drive better health outcomes across the full continuum of care, at every stage in a person’s health journey.
In 2014, Icon recognized that Jason Gorevic was trailblazing a new path in the future of healthcare, and his vision to truly revolutionize the healthcare market with telehealth medicine was years before his time. Teladoc went public in 2015 and is valued at over $20B+ today. The company continues to innovate the healthcare market, addressing the impact of Covid-19 and becoming a global leader in whole-person virtual care.